We asked Alex Marie, Christchurch interior designer and owner of design boutique Kit & Caboodle, for some pointers when buying something to park your patootie on. Here's seven bits of expert advice on getting the best bang for your buck. Are all sofa or Inquirer Lifestyle’s Face-Off 2016 will be the first of its kind in the country—it brings together in one show the Top 4 fashion design schools in the country. Slim’s, SoFA Design Institute, De La Salle-College of St. Benilde and Fashion Institute of What is art, and what differentiates it from craft? That is the question that has come into stark relief each year since 1994, when SOFA CHICAGO, the Sculpture Objects Functional Art and Design Fair, first arrived in this city. But after strolling through Donna Davis, Fair Director for SOFA Chicago, says you can expect to see modern and contemporary art and design, objects and sculpture. This year, SOFA also includes painting, photography and works on paper. "You’ll see world-class galleries showing fiber The cast-resin Miss Blanche armchair fetched £269,000 as part of the 20th Century Design sale, which totalled over £2.5 Sculpture and Austrian artist Franz West's 2006 Divan sofa both almost doubled predicted sale prices. VorteXX hanging light I PURCHASED A LEOPARD RUG FROM BALLARD DESIGNS, THE LIGHT COLOR. I HAVE A MINK COLOR VELVET TUFTED SOFA BY HAUTE COUTURE . THE WALLS ARE YLANG YLANG YELLOW BY BENJAMIN MOORE. I WOULD LIKE TWO CHAIRS BY THE WHITE MANTEL FIREPLACE BUT AM LIMITED WITH SPACE. .
The glassworks' creative fellow, Matthew Curtis, is hoping to break into the US glass market with his pieces in Sculpture Objects Functional Art and Design (SOFA) Fair in Chicago – said to be the most important event in the international studio glass scene. Kali Duo Sofa is the latest innovation in bunk bed design from the Italian manufacturer Clei. The Kali Duo Sofa functions as a sofa during the day and pulls down at night to offer two additional sleeping spaces for adults and children alike. Boasting Developed by South Florida-based real estate development company, SOFA Partners, 111 First Delray offers the opportunity to purchase the first residences in neo-modern design,in the heart of the “SOFA” District in almost a decade. “Downtown Delray Each market/city features a specific chair or sofa for which the designers created a custom piece. These locations and products are: Boston, MA: The Karlie Chair by Theodore & Company, Rachel Reider Interiors, and Peter Zucco for Design Complements Inc .